PTC Industry Talks

What does an Airline Operator look for when hiring Pilots?

Sandy Bayne Season 1 Episode 1


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As the former Director of Operations for SAA and now for well-known, Global Airways - Sandy is easily one of the best and with a great understanding of the airline industry, pilot selection, and management we couldn't think of anyone better to propose this important question too.

If you are looking to position yourself in the best possible way for a long and successful career in aviation, Sandy is the man to listen to! 👨🏼‍✈️

Sandy's career started in the South African Airforce from 1982 to 1989, he then continued on to Comair in 1989 till he resigned in 1991. He moved into South African Airways from 1991 all the way through to 2018 where he moved from Chief Standards Pilot, Chief Pilot to Head of Flight Operations.

Watch out for our next episode, coming soon!
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